What teachers are saying ...
4.5 out of 5 stars!
"Learning Farm has helped our 6th graders prepare for STAAR in a fun and interactive way!"
"I came across this. I love it."
"I wanted to let you all know that I LOVE this program. I have recommended you all to many teachers. This program has helped a lot of my struggling students. Thank You!"
"I have been using Learning Farm for years now and I absolutely love it!!!"
"I love your product and it has helped me with data collection! It has also helped me to focus on areas in which my students need more help."
"For the past 5 years now, I have been using Learning Farm for intervention, assessment and guided math centers. It has been an invaluable tool that has enriched the lives of all my students. It has helped me to remediate and enrich student learning. Year after year, the growth my students have made as a result of this program has been astounding!"
"This site is amazing and has helped my and my students be MORE SUCCESSFUL every day at school!"
"This is fabulous!!! My daughter didn't want to leave school because she was playing Learning Farm!"
"I started using your site in my class this morning. My kids and my PL coordinator really like it!"
"I currently use your website for a split 2nd and 3rd grade class for summer school and love it! I teach 2nd grade in the regular school year and would love to use your website for support!"