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New Generation of Online Learning
  • Newly created programs for your state standards.
  • Sophisticated content engine delivers differentiated instruction and varied item formats, including short-answer and multi-answer select.
  • Program design is informed by Smarter Balanced (SBAC) and PARCC assessments.
Highest Quality Content
  • Dynamic math engine and short answer response system provides an endless practice and learning resource.
  • An extensive library of original literary and informational texts enables students to acquire the skills of 21st century literacy.
  • All new content custom created for your state standards.
Student Focused Design
  • Computer adaptive instruction
  • Designed for Common Core transition and Smarter Balanced (SBAC) and PARCC assessments readiness
  • Goal-oriented design
  • Fun and motivating games
  • Very user-friendly design
What teachers are saying ...
4.5 out of 5
4.5 out of 5 stars!

"Thank you! Learning Farm is really helpful for my kids and they LOVE it! I’ve been showing the other teachers so I’m trying to get them on board as well!"
"I currently use your website for a split 2nd and 3rd grade class for summer school and love it! I teach 2nd grade in the regular school year and would love to use your website for support!"
"I have been using Learning Farm for years now and I absolutely love it!!!"
"I came across this. I love it."
"My students really enjoy using Learning Farm and would ask to go on it! It is very "kid" friendly. We have had use of other websites at the same time such as "Study Island" and my students preferred Learning Farm."
"My students love working on Learning Farm they want to come to school early so they can get on it before school starts!"
"Thank you so much for such a wonderful STAAR related program. It is one of the best ones I've worked with!"
"The students are learning while having fun. They never groan when it is Learning Farm day!!!"
"The kids love the games mixed into their practice and I love how the practice lines up with their standards and the way they are going to be tested."
"Today after showing my principal the website, she was in love with it and wanted me to run it for the school."